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Home > Kilns / Accessories > Kiln Accessories > Solid State Relays 3
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Product : Solid State Relays 3
Manufacturer : Evenheat
The Quiet Drive Solid State Relay System from Evenheat does away with traditional mechanical relays and uses solid state relays instead. Mechanical relays wear out and fail at some point, usually when you need them the most. Not so with the solid state. Solid state means there are no moving parts, nothing to wear out and nothing to replace. Solid state also means superior heating element operation resulting in tighter temperature control, longer element life and enhanced performance.
Price :  $345.00
Quantity :   : 
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 Pacific Art Glass specializes in the sales of glass products such as fusible glass, dichroic sheet glass, glass supplies, glass paint, glass enamels, glass stains, glass kilns and glass tools. We also offer glass work shops throughout the year.
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